How would you communicate if your cell phone didn't work? Bostonians recently had this communication shortage during the 2013 Boston Bombings last week. First reports were that service was shut off to prevent anymore cell phone detonation. Then Sprint said that their network shut down because of that kindof traffic. What ever the reason, it is something that can happen. What is your plan B if you cannot communicate via cell phone? How would you tell your family that you were ok in an emergency if your phone isn't working?
Many families have chosen, for several different reasons, to have their home phone now be a cell phone. "Land Lines" are becoming more and more rare because of the versatility that a cell phone can offer. Inthe event of an emergency there are a few alternative options:
- Have a designated location that you will meet with your family so that you will know everyone is safe. Click here for more information: http://www.ready.
gov/family-communications - Be sure to ask your school or work for their emergency plans.
school-and-workplace - Purchase, get licensed and learn how to use a Ham radio. This may sound scary, expensive or overwhelming, but you should know that their are many people in our valley from young to elderly who are licensed. It can be done.

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