I ain't skeered....
I had heard of this quote several years ago, but no one could give me a solid source (like a page number and paragraph source) or an actual quote. I have been looking for a long time and I seem to have found it. Here goes:
"... there were four herbs we must have to withstand the scourges of the last days. They are yarrow, for virus infections; chaparral for cancer; Brigham tea for balanced blood chemistry; and comfrey for asthma, hay fever, healing and everything else. We feel these four herbs are a must. We have tried all but chaparral and they do truly work. May our Heavenly Father guide you. "
- Brigham Young, Journal of Discourses
He also said:
"It is God's mind and will that they [mothers and fathers] should know just what to do for them [their children]. Instead of calling for a doctor, you should administer to them by the laying on of hands and anointing with oil, and give them mild food, and herbs and medicine that you understand."
- Brigham Young, 1875
Sometimes I am the worst person to go to get a blessing first. Remember prayer rocks? I need one of those next to my bed to remember to get a priesthood blessing when I need it. Periodically my toes are swollen and throbbing from the constant "THWACK" because I really need that reminder to pray. Oh the rocks I would need by my bed for every reminder that was necessary...I may as well tell the hubby, "Get the dump truck and back 'er up." Think I'm kidding? Just ask him. 
Some may be thinking, "You are WAY over simplifying our health care needs today..." . It might seem like that. Let me 'splain...no there is too much...let me sum up
. I use all of these herbs and more. I have learned how to use them because I asked for guidance. My guidance may be slightly different than yours; however, I very seldom go to a doctor because I have learned through trial, error, google searches and classes I've attended, what works for my family. I'm not a doctor...and neither was President Young, but I have faith in the blessings Heavenly Father has given to us in all the forms He provides... such as:
- Herbs (capsules, tinctures, and yes...teas)
- Essential Oils
- Reflexology/ Kinesiology
- Emotional Healing
- Eating right
- Exercising (*sigh* if I HAVE to) :)
- Anything else I feel inspired to do...
- Other stuff I haven't discovered yet...
- and occasionally a doctor or chiropractor
Did you know that in the early 1840's there was a council of botanical physicians that Joseph Smith established called "The Council of Health" ? It was later carried over again in the Salt Lake Valley. A few of these physicians (Meeks, Morse and P. Richards) were running ragged trying to care for all the sick. The people needed to be educated to care for their own families. So they spoke with Apostle Willard Richards about establishing another council. Elder Richards "approved very readily" and named it the Society of Health. These physicians would scour the canyons every Wednesday to find herbs and roots to investigate so they could share it with the council. Not everyone was on board...but as people began to learn and profit by it, it grew in popularity.
Some people might feel overwhelmed at the thought of stepping into the dark and becoming more self-reliant in their health-care. I found a wonderful PDF that is an excellent beginner guide. Take a peek and look it over. Then print it...because mom said so.
Take in parts "line upon line" and implement them as you feel inspired in your own family.
Something else that "The Lion of the Lord" Young said:
"Blessed is he that knows how to use yarrow in the last days." - Display at Monte L. Bean Life Sciences Museum at BYU
Blessed...I really like that!
For a second I'd like to highlight yarrow because there are great blessings that can be gleaned from learning how to use this plant!
What are the benefits I can gain from yarrow?
It is used all over the world for:
- rheumatism
- immunity booster (strengthens the spleen)
- bleeding wounds (even nosebleeds)
- cramps
- piles (hemorrhoids)
- kidney diseases
- and more!
How do I use it?
Yarrow is used by my family in the extract (tincture) form. You can make tea with it or take capsules. Extracts are stronger and easier for my family because all you have to do is squirt it in a little water and down the hatch. For those who have squeamish tastebuds, capsules might be the better alternative.
What does it look like?
Many mistake yarrow for a common weed. It looks similar to a fuzzy fern with yellow, red or white flower clusters (on our mountain I have only seen white flowers). Here is a picture:
Where can I get it?
It is so widely available it is found from Scotland to Norway and Africa to Sweden!
Mt. Graham has yarrow at the following places: Shannon, Heliograph Peak, Snow Flat, Riggs Lake, as well as others.
Did you know that yarrow is easily grown here and not just on Mt. Graham? Did you know that some of local nurseries sell it? It's often labeled by its botanical name: Achillea millefolium
Plant it in with your flower beds or garden. There are many varieties, all flowering a little bit different. If you know what you are looking for, it has been seen often in a mountain near you.
If you aren't ready to go hunt in the wild for it, it is available also at both of the local health food stores.
We must be very careful how easily we run to a pharmacy or roll up our sleeves to receive an immunization for a disease that has had NO time to be fully tested. And mark my words, there will be one. Do not fall for the ghoulish scare tactics. Remember H1N1 was going to be the BIG scourge... like the 1918 flu? There were commercials, and radio ads etc etc. We all wet our pants a little and then it blew over and we have hardly heard a hiccup since. This doesn't mean someday there won't be one (or more) - because it has been prophesied. Do your research first...then kick your prayer rock...do a little dance...and get to work.
I, like you have been searching for the actual quote for FOREVER, although you posted the quote you didn't post the volume or page number, do you have that? If so, I would appreciate any help. debbie.city1st@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteSame here...I have talked to several people who said it is in JD, but I haven't read the whole thing to prove it. It is my goal, but a lot of the JD is completely over my head and I get lost easily. I will dig a little further...
ReplyDeleteThe Gemstones PDF is gone, do you have it somewhere else?
ReplyDeleteCrazy!!! I wonder why they took it down. I have a guide that I wrote called, "A Mother's Guide to Self-Reliant Health Care" - if you would like a copy, send me your email and I'll send you a free pdf. It is far from complete, but it is good for beginners.
DeleteI just realized you already sent me your email :). I'll send it to ya :). Also, a great school that is fairly priced is the School of Natural Healing and they have an excellent beginner course called "Family Herbalist" - I learned a lot!
DeleteI just found this blog post through a Google search. I love it! Thank you! I am very interstellar in that pdf as well, and would love it if you would send me yours! Thanks so much!! carp.nat31@gmail