Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Self-Reliance Tip of the Week - Jason Bourne Is Like An Apple

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My fork gonna do some Jiu Jitsu ....

My husband and I like good action flix now and again. The Jason Bourne Series is no exception. By the time it's over the viewer might feel like they have been on an upside down train ride mixed with a Brazilian Jiu Jitsu wedgie (all except for Bourne Legacy...sorry...lets pretend that one never existed) and the burning desire to learn seven languages...like right now. 

His versatility is unparalleled by anyone and has the ability to squeeze out of tight places better than a chameleon with the speed of a cheetah. His skills likely put Captain America to shame...except they are both imaginary. So sad...I know. 

But, what isn't imaginary is the versatility of apples. With the seasons moving along, it is getting time for apple harvest. It is easy to say, "I don't have time to process any apples." If we take the extra time, we will realize that apples are like Jason Bourne.

So, what kind of culinary treasures can apples be turned into? Here are just a few.

#1 Good ol' fashioned apple sauce!!!

Here are instructions on how to process your own. You can make unsweetened or sweetened. 

#2 Dried apples

Dried apples are so awesome because they are a very versatile snack that kids and adults love because of the condensed sweetness. 

#3 Apple Butter

Do not underestimate the skills that apple butter brings to the table. So so so yummy!!!

#4 Apple Pie Filling

Home made apple pie filling kicks the shazbot out of the stuff you buy at the store. It makes making apple pie a cinch! And no artificial ingredients to boot!!

#5 Apple Fruit Leather

"Fruit roll ups" can't touch real, sweet, melt in your mouth apple leather. 

I am just getting warmed up too! There are SO many more things you can do with apples to preserve them. Here are 27 ways!!!

So the  next time you're up for an adventure, break out the apples from your nearest orchard or farmer's market and get crackin'!! You've got an upside down train to catch!!

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